Arab spring bahrain pdf files

Bahrain and the global balance of power after the arab spring. The common slogan of the protesters throughout arab spring was the people want to bring down the regime aissa, 2012. Political instability and sectarian strife 62 beginning of the pr otests 64 gcc initiative and the national dialogue confer ence 65 houthis and their advance. Within a few months, a wave of protest had swept away the despots of tunisia, egypt and libya. Within the gcc states, the reaction to the uprisings has been a mix of economic handouts, use of patronage, limited political and economic reforms as well as domestic repression and even military intervention. Regime changes have occurred in tunisia, egypt, and libya, while movements cnntinue to grow in both those countries as well as bahrain, syria, and yemen. Later, similar rebellions followed in libya, bahrain, syria and yemen. The implications of the arab spring on surviving regional powers has been overshadowed. Arab spring research guide and notes sheet targets. The aim of this chapter is to examine the use of the social media by the bahraini antigovernment movement since the outbreak of the arab spring in bahrain in 2011 till the present day.

It began in response to oppressive regimes and a low standard of living, starting with protests in tunisia noueihed, 2011. Bahrains young people mark fifth anniversary of arab spring this article is more than 4 years old the 2011 protests were crushed by government troops reinforced by. Looking in depth at two states that have had significantly different outcomes from the uprisings tunisia and bahrain the article analyses the. Tunisia, egypt and bahrain s debt to norway by ingrid westgaard stolpestad sponsored by the norwegian church aid and the norwegian coalition for debt cancellation slug october 2011. Arab spring, wave of prodemocracy protests and uprisings that took place in the middle east and north africa beginning in 2010, challenging some of the regions entrenched authoritarian regimes. Pdf inspired by the events of the arab spring, political activists in bahrain organized an antigovernment demonstration on. At home the saudi leadership is pursuing a carrotandstick strategy. For a complete list and pdf versions of publications by the frederick s.

Level of first regime external thirdparty country violencea fatalityb typec supportd involvemente demandf algeria low 6 jan. I can describe the causes and effects of the arab spring in my assigned country. The arab spring has fundamentally altered the middle east and north africa mena. Download the pdf and write to the authorities today. The regional revolution saw regime change in tunisia, egypt, and yemen, and civil wars in libya and, at the time of writing this, ongoing in syria. Hopes for justice and reform fading five years since 2011 uprising topics bahrain demonstrations. Yemens arab spring wounded demonstrators carried away during antisaleh protests in sanaa, september 2011 photo hh as in other countries, the arab spring in yemen is a direct corollary of the growing economic and political crisis, with events in tunisia and egypt serving as. Iran finds its revolutionary message diluted and overtaken by events. Moreover this paper tries to predict the consequences of these.

Bahrain follows the same pattern as the rest of the arab spring in that established and officially recognized opposition groups have been led by youth groups on the streets. The arab spring is therefore both a domestic and a foreign policy issue in saudi arabia. Toward better analysis of new media and the arab spring. Demonstrators expressing political and economic grievances faced violent crackdowns by. Arab spring and sectarian institute for defence studies. The geopolitics of the region grc paper the arab spring has yet to give way to the hopedfor glorious summer, but for iran it has already turned into a winter of discontent. Its causes and consequences abstract this paper attempts to examine the causes of the arab uprisings in middle eastern states. The repression is getting worse months after its brief exposure to the arab spring, bahrains catandmouse routine of protest and repression continues bahrains prospects.

A bumpy road ahead pdf by hassan hakimian, director of the london middle east institute and reader, economics department, soas underscores the underlying importance of the economic conditions facing the new republics, such as egypt and tunisia, which are emerging as a result of the arab spring. Thi s researc h articl e attempts to scrutinize the nature and cause s of the ara b uprising s which too k people by surpris e globall y throughou t 2011 and int o 2012. It has decided that it wants to see the bahraini regime survive and endure. The 2007 national strategy for maintaining integrity and combating corruption had already provided for the setting up of a national anticorruption body. Many of the arab spring countries bahrain, yemen, jordan, egypt, morocco. Of the four major arab spring protests analyzedtunisia, egypt, libya, and bahrain large differences were found across the four in the amount of information consumed via social media. After the arab spring and the fall of mubarak in egypt, it was exactly this alliance that was threatened, creating worries in saudi arabia and israel, which both saw the risk of an islamist egypt opening the gates of the arab middle east to iran. Triggers, dynamics and prospects stephan rosiny on 17 december 2010, the selfimmolation of tunisian vegetable vendor mohammed bouazizi sparked the arab spring.

Evolutionary reform, rather than revolution, was the driving force. Following the fall of leaders in tunisia, egypt, libya and yemen, unrest has been spreading throughout the region. The roots and causes of the 2011 arab uprisings kamal eldin osman salih abstract. Saudi arabia and the arab spring ren rieger gulf research center arab spring as well as by the growing popular displeasure about the widespread corruption in the kingdom. Ascendancy frustrated gulf research center 5 introduction. I can compare and contrast the causes and effects of the arab spring in other middle eastern nations. Arab spring yields different outcomes in bahrain, egypt. Arab spring in the short term, without delving into the root causes of the arab spring, which are present also in the gulf region. Report of the bahrain independent commission of inquiry mahmoud cherif bassiouni, chair nigel rodley, commissioner badria alawadhi, commissioner philippe kirsch, commissioner mahnoush h. In spring 2011 it quickly announced enormous direct and indirect payments to the population, in order to.

Of the four major arab spring protests analyzedtunisia, egypt, libya, and bahrain. We ask if the arab spring has ultimately failed to bring change to libya and bahrain, or if theres hope for the future. Analysis of the arab spring 3 blunders in state response, in particular using a heavyhanded approach and trying to crush opposition, had the reverse effect of galvanising more people to join the protests icg, 2011b and 2011d. The pearl roundabout was attacked, cleared and the monument at its center razed. The issues thrown up by the arab spring are central to. Monocracy no no economic reform bahrain intermediate 14 feb. Could a domino effect sweep more leaders from power. So, while clearly linked to the wider phenomenon of the arab spring, the protests in oman not only emerged from the omani context, but the methods of expressing demands also reflected omani ways of doing things. Bahrain this guide lists online and print sources for what has become known as the arab spring, the popular revolutionary wave in the middle east and north africa that started in december 2010. The arab spring, 2011 the countries are the member states of the arab league.

Bahrain, syria, and yemen did not usher in a new era of democ racy and liberal rule as many in the west were hoping. Ict and social media had little to do with the underlying sociopolitical and socioeconomic factors behind the. Opposition leaders face jail time for speaking out, while protests continue on. Activism, arab spring, bahrain, political protests, social networking sites, youtube. Arab spring used their powers vehemently to crush the demonstrators and consequently the peaceful protesters also became violent. Images of the arab spring in bahrain images found on weblogs, featuring the pearl roundabout, symbol of the demonstrations in february and march 2011. These movements collectively came to be dubbed the arab spring, the arab revolution or the arab awakening souza and lipietz 2011. Authoritarianism and democratization in the arab w orld, rex brynen et al. On march 14, gulf cooperation council troops bahrain, kuwait, oman, qatar, saudi arabia, and united arab emirates were invited into bahrain by the government, a state of national security was announced, and a crackdown against protestors began. Central to bahrains crackdown on prodemocracy protests has.

The subject headings are linked to the university of illinois library so that you may find the materials easily. The bahraini uprising of 2011 was a series of antigovernment protests in bahrain led by the shiadominant and some sunni minority bahraini. Externally, it considers iran to be a potential existential threat, and bahrain is also taking part in operations against yemeni rebels. The arab spring in bahrain and the gulf chatham house. This thesis explores several dimensions of domestic and international politics related to the arab spring. Down the foreign policy slope article pdf available in contemporary arab affairs 82 march 2015 with 2,382 reads how we measure reads. Causes of the arab spring causes of the arab spring may be described as following. New media and conflict after the arab spring the web site cannot.

In the 2011 arab spring protests, social media networks played an important role in the rapid disintegration of at least two regimes, tunisia and egypt, while also contributing to sociopolitical mobilization in bahrain and syria. This pdf document is a list of the arabic materials that are available at the university of illinois in regards to libyas role in the arab spring. Bahrain is ground zero for the arab spring in the persian gulf. It also highlights the events of the civil uprisings which led to the removal of some rulers. A t the dawn of the first winter after the arab spring, bahrain is an island of sadness. Bahrains young people mark fifth anniversary of arab spring. Arsanjani, commissioner presented in manama, bahrain on 23 november 2011 final revision of 10 december 2011. Satellite view the pearl roundabout by night pearl towers overshadowing the demonstrators shiites praying, photo hh. Nahid afrose kabir 1 he arab spring was a civil uprising mainly of arab youths in tunisia and egypt which commenced in december 2010 and january 2011 respectively. These popular protests were the first in living memory to reach oman. The role of information communication technologies in the. Cnn produced a documentary about the use of internet technology and social media in the arab spring. Libya arab spring libguides at university of illinois.